Personality Profiling

Click on this video to see a recent example how business coaching impacts your financial bottom line.

What is Business Coaching?

Business Coaching is a

  • process that closes the gap between where the business is and where it wants to be

  • tool that shifts a company’s culture, from one where people rely on receiving direction to one where people are engaged in problem solving and give their discretionary effort

  • collaborative partnership that aligns people with their organisation’s strategy in a win/win environment

  • one-on-one relationship specifically designed to build on existing strengths, highlight blindspots, and provide practical tools and accountability to progress forward.

  • Leadership program where a business future proofs itself by growing their existing and potential future leaders


Your first session and coffee is on me.

Coffee is on OutOnaLym for first business coaching session

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Why would you need business coach?

As a business owner

  • you may not be achieving the results you would like or need to

  • You may not have a clear focus, strategic plan, or processes that maximise you and your teams efforts

  • You may be dissatisfied with your current stress levels, or lack of personal or family life

As a leaders within the business

  • You may be struggling with aspects of leadership or direction changes from the business

  • You may have a team that is either working as a group of people rather than a team or may even be totally dysfunctional

  • You may have individuals that are highly talented but have obstacles that prevent them from being as effective as they could be

  • You may have conflicting relationships within your team that is causing low morale

  • You may have under performers who need to lift their game

As an individual

  • You may be struggling with your relationships within the business, either upwards or across the business

  • You may have stress levels that cause you concern

  • You may obstacles to your success that may be business or personal issues

  • You may wish to progress into leadership roles which require different skills sets

This is how one-on-on business coaching can help you increase performance and productivity of your key people by:

  • Adding more tools to their leadership development tool box that will enhance their existing strengths

  • Identifying the mindset and thoughts are that obstacles to their leadership development

  • Closing the gap between how they see themselves and how others experience them - using LSI360 Degrees Feedback

  • Creating awareness around their leadership style that work for them and against them – using MBTI profiling

  • Providing resilience techniques to reduce stress and conflict

  • Encouraging ownership/accountability and eliminating the blame game

  • Implementing processes to self-manage their time and energy to meet deadlines

  • Teaching coaching techniques so that they can grow future leaders

  • Creating a culture of trust

  • Understanding how to create high performing teams

Business Coaching with OutOnaLym Consulting Ltd

Business Coaching with OutOnaLym Consulting

Contact us now.


Your first session and coffee is on me.

Coffee is on OutOnaLym for first business coaching session

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