To build a “Top-Performing” sales team that delivers consistent long term sustainable results, you need Sales Managers who are able to recruit, coach and inspire their people while holding them accountable performing at the highest possible level of achievement


We can help you create Sales OLymPians, (or Rainmakers) who consistently outperform, by gaining more profitable clients, who buy more from you, and stay with you longer.

Six simple questions for you or your team:

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  • Do you believe you can be a Sales OLymPian (Rainmaker) and look after your clients needs first and foremost?
  • Do you have the courage to do what it takes to become a Sales OLymPian?
  • What is your Moral Ethical Obligation (MEO)
  • Is it okay if your clients need something from you, and they leave without getting it?
  • What’s getting in the way of you, or your team, performing at your very best?
  • Do you know how to make it a “No Brainer” that they do business with you?

Give Your Sales People the Insight, Skills, and Knowledge They Need to Reach Peak Performance for Long Term Sustainable Results

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  • Individual assessment on Skills
  • Individual and Team assessment on Skills
  • Defines specific growth areas for either
  • Underperformers or Potential Stars



This is how WE CAN HELP YOU set your sales people up to achieve outstanding results

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  • JASSS Sales OLymPian Workshops – 1- 3 day programs individually tailored to specific requirements depending on the teams  current skill set.  Specifically designed to maximise opportunities to convert conversations into sales outcomes whilst building sustainable relationships and partnerships with clients.
  • One-on-One Coaching  – providing individuals with focused, intensive strategies to build their confidence and remove blockages that prevent them from achieving outstanding results for both the client and the business.
  • Relationship Building Workshop – for business professionals where building of professional relationships and networks are paramount to the success of the business.  
  • Gaining Easy Referrals Workshops – 2-3 hr workshop on gaining confidence to gain referrals and set up ongoing flows of referrals professionally and ethically
[/list] Learn how to give your clients a “No Brainer” solution, and become a Sales OLymPian, whilst all the time looking after your clients needs first and foremost.
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Contact me now

and your first meeting and coffee is on me.

